day after day

their lives didn’t meld
didn’t jell
they crashed
like the waves to the shore
in a peaceful bliss
more often
as in a raging storm
the differences
divided them
their passions
united them

it wasn’t a gale
they had to weather
it was whether or
not they could stick it out

their sand castle
washed away
leaving no trace
of the dreams
it was built upon

they tried protective walls
they tried a quiet cove
they tried to cement their love

day after day
their sand castle
washed away

unsought advice was given
…………. failure is not an option ……………
neither asked for

they both viewed
a destructive path
a day after day
smashing dreams into the wet sand

the question remained
could they rebuild
day after day

some unsolicited advice was given
………. it’s ok to go your separate ways…………

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