painting © Danielle Wright

Sweet Vixen

Humm, Humm, Humm with our hearts
Humm, Humm, Humm with our voices

our sweet Vixen
as she dreams

Humm, Humm, Humm with our hearts
Humm, Humm, Humm with our voices

our wings
bring love and joy
sending subliminal

sweet Vixen
with supernatural senses
stealthily steps
at twilight and dawn
guiding her skulk
through challenging situations
with expertise and ease

sensitive to
the moon’s phases
alert and aware
as she moves between
the spirit and the earthly planes
receives the whispered wisdom
sent by her protective pair
it is never too late
to pursue your dreams
it is never too late
to create a new reality

sweet Vixen
rely on
passion and creativity
for they are your guides

sweet Vixen
rely on
your senses
intuitions and visions
they are the soul of your spirit

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