
a long
………………….time ago
in a land of
make-up and make-believe

when little girls
with long curls
dressed up
in mothers’ old gowns
and high-heeled shoes
pouring imaginary tea
for sisters, friends and teddy bears

when brother Johnny
rode his bike
to the park
to play
…………a game
of ball
until it got dark

when front and back doors
were never locked

when dad came home
at 6 o’clock
meatloaf and mashed potatoes were served
in family style
conversations started
how was your day

and in the background
the turntable played

not Dylan
for rebellious words
might encourage
the kids
and they did

for their stories should only asked
who’s afraid
of the big bad wolf
there was no fear of intruders
or police troopers

at the end of the day
when tucked into bed
Clarabell and Bozo were everyone’s friends

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