that if only

melancholy set in
with the boxed up memories
someone released the latch
the flood gates opened
drenching those
in the path
with stories & tales
that only if you had been there
would they tear at your heart
that only if you had been there
could you try to pinpoint that day
that if only had you been there
could you remember the smile
that if only you had been there
could you miss that someone so……. so much


melancholy set in
with the boxed up memories
someone released the latch
the flood gates opened
drenching those
in the path
sailing in a leaky boat…….. while baling away
eating average fair…… but knowing the difference
playing tennis understanding….. no matter what he gets to win
reading grimm’s to the young……. with laughter in each line
drinking your best wine…….. with your family & friends
slicing the grilled meat……..that had better be rare
looking at mom…….. with a sparkle in your eyes


melancholy set in
with the boxed up memories
someone released the latch
the flood gates opened
drenching those
in the path
that if only you had been there
could you miss that someone so……. so much







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