this is a night

this is a night
you hold your loved ones
a little tighter
whether they are at home
or at home in your heart
this is a night you replace
spats with long embraces
that are tucked away

for this is a night
that has crushed
some to the core
this is a night
no-one should ever endure

this is a night
that tears at everyone’s soul
no matter how
young or old

this is a night
to learn to forgive
if you haven’t before

this is a night
that will never be forgotten
in this night
that has touched us all
we send love and light
to those
with holes in their hearts
their angels have left
but not parted

this is a night
to remember
rage is an enemy
but love conquers all

this is a night
to remember
………………..the answer

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