Author: admin

Christmas Wish

cookie baking
water pipes breaking
cold winds blowing too
stores & parking lots packed
shoppers shopping
bits of push & shoving
running here and there
the perfect presents
for those held dear
lit trees
nights filled with lights
stockings waiting to be stuffed
kids wishing
parents dreaming
won’t this be over soon
candy canes
plum pudding oh so good
wrap the gifts for giving
singing the timeless songs
aren’t these just a few
of the readies…….. for Christmas Day

take a moment or 2
and wish warm blessings
& cheer
to all those
whether far or near
Santa may be on his way
to your door or mine
leave some cookies for him
a bunch of carrots for his deer
please remember
for me for you
a bottle or 2…….. wine will do
sit by the fire on Christmas eve
and taking another moment
remembering those
not here with you
those you love
and those you don’t
wishing all
warm & joy
wishing all
& all tomorrows

my wish
to you

for god’s sake

the world turned
up-side down
didn’t come crashing around
head stayed above the water line
swim with the current
for the task
un-masked is the same for all
at times
just pour another
whether red or white
skip the rose
that’s a headache
in the making
it’s for the 1 who couldn’t decide
had to blend
for god’s sake
make a decision

if you wish
to shrink away
do so
for a day
then click the red heels
and find
reality need not be negative

for god’s sake
or for that matter
for mine
strength survives

“empowering poems” – back cover

“It’s hard to imagine any emotion – or human situation, for that matter – that Gwynneth Green hasn’t captured poetically in her new collection “empowering poems”. Take “Standing on the edge,” where fear, trust and hope intersect in a sweet flow of images. Contrast that to “Believe,” in which Gwyn tickles you with her observations about alcohol and social clarity. These are poems that not only validate our experiences but also take us a step further to new insights and sensations.

That process is prized in my line of work. I’ve recommended Gwynneth’s books to my clients, all of whom who have made connections to her poetry. In their busy and often stressful lives, they have regarded Gwynneth’s writings as a refuge.

That’s the real gift of poetry: in the time it takes to pour a relaxing drink and head for your favorite chair, you can experience a world of comfort, humor, challenge, sadness, power and hope through Gwynneth’s words. But please…linger on them, stay there for a while and enjoy “empowering poems.”
Seth Ersner-Hershfield, Ph. D., Clinical Psychologist

Book #7

breathe…..the ease

In this seventh book of poetry breathe the ease, Gwynneth gives us over to ourselves and with the “ease” which her words possess she leads us into a slow, rhythmic pentameter. No matter that the world around us whirls at record speed, Gwynneth creates true peace in the silent crevasses of the words she weaves. In each inhale and exhale we feel life’s stresses being replaced by the universal truths at our core.


New Projects

Gwynneth Is working on 2 new books. The 1st – Moons Mantras & Missives and the 2nd which the title has not been revealed should be out early 2015.


Gwynneth has several readings on YouTube. Type in Gwynneth Green and sit back and relax as she shares some of her work.


YouTube Pieces

those not here
scent of perfume
the you
ever present dream
settle back
quiet night
for god’s sake


simple gesture

skirt the issue
lay fiction with fact
the rally
the relay
under attack
bring meaning to all discourse
mentioning dysfunctional names
not playing
to win
life’s game remains
pick up your piece
act the part
if your nose
is bent
do the roses smell the same
a whiff a waft
the scent shall linger
let it penetrate the pores
follicles dance in delight
with such a simple gesture
hugs work
on rain or rain not days
we carry the dirt of the world
on our shoes
remove them
wash your feet
smile at me
and i’ll smile at you
laughter only counts in 2’s
follow your heart
it’s a soul’s wish
finish your dinner
your thought
your wine
now dance with me
but not the last time