make your future moments of a life pasted together photos papers thoughts and dreams some reality some a reach some never attained series of people who came went a few stayed loved them much the same friendship may wane but never die asked the
yesterday fades timbers and beams creak while old bones ache memories revisited upon each morning’s wake histories of happiness out last those of pain as the paint of yesterday fades a life of dreams were birthed in the barn yet
New Year’s Smile The New Year began with a bang leave disappointments and pain in the past remember not to sweat the small stuff the big stuff is bigger than one can imagine today begins with a new outlook step into each day with confidence make
This Thanksgiving this year fill your plate with gratitude it doesn’t matter what faith you are let’s say a prayer of thanks receiving is easy but it’s the giving that blesses us seeking to help rather than complain giving support rather than walking
i shall mantra i shall greet this day with patience making a pact with the universe to hold tolerance in my heart and open my awareness to understanding being mindful and attentive to those whose paths cross mine to
this is a night this is a night you hold your loved ones a little tighter whether they are at home or at home in your heart this is a night you replace spats with long embraces that are tucked away eternally for this is a night that has crushed