valentine quest

it is the best
of times
of years
of days
of hours

no worst
for the wearing
of your heart
on your chest
bursting with joy
a waterfall
of love
unto those

each moment
a celebration
each instant
a festivity

no reluctance
………..wrapping &
parceling your pot of gold
no hesitation
sharing your secret
of successes

giving more
taking less
your yin yang

leaving no room
for hate

conquering the battlefield
with love
displacing disgust
with love
repelling negativity
saturating one’s self
with love

sharing your heart with no expectations
sharing your love unconditionally

no shame
in claiming
the day

being true to one’s self
love another
or yourself……….. a little bit more

making this
your valentine quest

2 comments on “valentine quest

  1. Sandy Ray on

    Thank you so much for this poem Gwynneth! It says it all…..exactly how I feel!! You nailed it, as usual!! A wonderful poem that makes me appreciate my aloneness. I am alone by choice, and very happy and confident also. Another beautiful message from you, that certainly hits the mark spot on, my friend! Thank you!!


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